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Department of 数学

数学课程提供了一系列的课程,旨在满足不同能力和学习风格的学生的毕业要求和大学录取期望. 在整个课程中,下列技能得到发展和完善:口头和书面沟通技巧, problem solving skills and reasoning skills. Emphasis is placed on an analytical, 图形化的, 以图形计算器为主要工具的数值方法.

每个学生都应该拥有一个TI-83 Plus或TI-84图形计算器,用于数学课程. 这个图形计算器将在整个四年的高中数学序列计算器使用.

课程设置范围广泛,以确保每个学生都有适当的挑战和动力去做他/她最好的. 大一的时候, 接受荣誉课程或速成课程是基于初中的推荐和高中入学考试的表现. 大一之后的课程录取是基于老师的推荐和之前的高中数学成绩.

学生必须完成三年的数学课程才能毕业. 大学鼓励对数学/科学感兴趣的学生在大四选修一门数学课程.


Concepts of Algebra 1: 1 Credit

代数1修改是一个高度结构化的代数入门. Topics studied include: operations with variables, 求解方程, positive and negative numbers, 公式, operations with polynomials, 保理, 图形, 方程 with two variables, working with algebraic fractions, decimals and percents, squares and square 根, and quadratic 方程.

Homework Requirement: 1-2 hours per week

Algebra 1 Regular: 1 Credit

Algebra 1 is the first year or a college preparatory sequence. Topics studied include operations with variables, 数轴, solving linear 方程, writing and 图形 linear 方程, solving systems of 方程, operations with polynomials, 保理, operations with algebraic fractions, 功能, 根, 激进分子, and quadratic 方程. 特别强调了实际生活中的应用和与几何的联系.

Homework Requirement: 2-3 hours per week

Algebra 1 Honors: 1 Credit

代数1荣誉课程是大学预科课程的第一年, which includes advanced Placement Calculus. Topics studied include basic operations with real numbers, solving linear 方程 and inequalities, graphs and 功能, polynomials and 保理, operations and 方程 with rational expressions, irrational numbers and 激进分子, quadratic 方程 and 功能, 绝对值, and composite 功能. Some topics are taken from advanced algebra.

Homework Requirement: 3-4 hours per week

Geometry 2 Regular: 1 Credit

Geometry 2 is the second year of a college preparatory sequence. It is algebra-based, emphasizing deductive reasoning. Topics covered include congruent triangles, 垂直, 平行线, 四边形, 多边形, 相似的多边形, the Pythagorean Theorem, 圈, area, 和卷.

Homework Requirement: 2-3 hours per week

Concepts of Geometry: 1 Credit

几何2修改是一个高度结构化的介绍几何. 强调代数概念的回顾,特别强调代数方程的解及其在几何中的应用. Topics studied include triangles, 垂直, 平行线, 四边形, 相似的多边形, the Pythagorean Theorem, 圈, area, 和卷.

Homework Requirement: 3-4 hours per week

Geometry 2 Honors: 1 Credit

几何2荣誉是一个快节奏,深入的课程,是证明为导向. Topics covered include congruent triangles, 垂直, 平行线, 四边形, lines and planes in space, 多边形, 相似的多边形, the Pythagorean Theorem, 圈, area, 和卷.

Homework Requirement: 3-5 hours per week

Concepts of Algebra II/Trigonometry 3: 1 Credit

代数II/三角学3修改是高度结构化的代数和三角学入门. This course includes a review of real numbers, first degree 方程 and inequalities in one variable, 特殊的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 保理, 方程, fractions and fractional 方程, graphs of linear 方程, 功能 and relations, systems of linear 方程 and inequalities, 矩阵, exponents and 激进分子, quadratic 方程, and the trigonometry of right triangles.

Homework Requirement: 3-5 hours per week

Algebra/Trigonometry 3 Regular: 1 Credit

代数/三角学3是大学预备课程的第三年. Topics studied include the real numbers, first degree 方程 and inequalities in one variable, 特殊的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 保理, algebraic fractions and fractional 方程, graphs of linear 方程, 功能 and relations, systems of linear 方程 and inequalities, 矩阵, exponents and 激进分子, quadratic 方程, sequences and series, permutations and combinations, and circular and trigonometric 功能.

Homework Requirement: 3-4 hours per week

Pre-Calculus 3 Honors: 1 Credit

微积分预科3荣誉研究线性和二次函数和不等式的主题, the conic sections, polynomials and rational 功能, 激进的功能, composite and inverse 功能, exponential and logarithmic 功能, trigonometric 功能, sequences and series, binomial expansion, 和决定因素.

Homework Requirement: 3-5 hours per week

Pre-Calculus 4 : 1 Credit

预微积分4完成了四年大学预科的核心课程, 这为大学微积分的学习打下了坚实的基础. 学习的主题包括三角函数及其图形的回顾, applications of trigonometry, topics from analytic geometry, the conic sections, systems of 方程 and inequalities, polynomial and rational 功能 and 限制, and an overview of vectors and polar coordinates.

Homework Requirement: 3-4 hours per week

AP Calculus AB: 1 Credit

大学先修课程微积分AB为学生参加AP微积分AB考试做准备. 遵循大学理事会建议的课程设计,与大学水平的微积分课程平行, AP微积分AB课程为学生提供了对微积分概念的直观理解,并体验了微积分的方法和应用, 还需要额外的微积分理论知识. Topics studied include analytic geometry, 限制, 导数, 集成, 超越函数及其导数和积分的应用.

Homework Requirement: 3-5 hours per week

AP Calculus BC: 1 Credit

大学先修课程微积分BC为学生参加AP微积分BC考试做准备. 遵循大学理事会建议的课程设计,与大学水平的微积分课程平行, AP微积分BC为学生提供了对微积分概念的直观理解,并体验了微积分的方法和应用, 还需要额外的微积分理论知识. 本课程假定学生对基本函数有全面的了解, 并涵盖了AP微积分AB中的所有微积分主题,以及以下主题:向量函数, parametric 方程, and polar coordinates; rigorous definitions of finite and nonexistent 限制; derivatives of vector 功能 and parametrically defined 功能; advanced techniques of 集成 and advanced applications of the definite integral; and sequences and series.

Homework Requirement: 4-6 hours per week

Linear Algebra: 1 Credit

This course includes a study of vectors, 矩阵, 和线性变换,通常是为已经完成AP微积分的学生准备的.  它广泛地探讨了人们可以用这些物体做什么,无论是在纯粹的意义上还是在应用意义上.  在整个过程中,它建立在几何和代数的先验知识(以及微积分的一点点)之上。.  本课程培养数学思维习惯(如从计算中抽象), trying to make arguments general, 和证明).

Homework Requirement: 4-6 hours per week

AP Statistics: 1 Credit

遵循大学理事会建议的课程设计,与大学水平的统计学课程并行, AP统计学向学生介绍了收集的主要概念和工具, 分析, and drawing conclusions from data.  学生将接触到四个广泛的概念主题:探索数据, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference.

Homework Requirement: 3-4 hours per week

AP Computer 科学 A: 1 Credit

遵循大学理事会建议的课程设计,以反映大学水平的计算机科学课程, AP计算机科学A课程为学生提供逻辑, 数学, and problem-solving skills needed to design structured, 为现实问题提供解决方案的文档完备的计算机程序. These courses cover such topics as programming methodology, 特性, and procedures; algorithms; data structures; computer systems; and programmer responsibilities.

Homework Requirement: 4-6 hours per week.

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